Virtual Try-On Glasses

First try, then buy!
Try the available models of optics and choose the one that is right for you.
With Virtooal’s Magic Mirror, you can try on products directly from the comfort of your home, using your phone’s camera.
How does Magic Mirror measure pupillary distance, and why is it essential?
Customers‘ pupillary distance measurement is critical for accurately fitting lenses to achieve vision acuity. In the E-commerce world, where buyers can not physically try products, the information regarding accurate pupillary distance also comes into place. The measure represents essential information about customers‘ faces. It enables online try-on tools to accurately visualize the frames of glasses and show how the real size of eyewear products fit shoppers‘ faces.
Magic Mirror shifts the pupillary distance measurement to the new era.
A few years ago, accurate pupillary distance measurement online was a real challenge! Some of the online try-on solutions providers solved it with manual data inputs. Meaning shoppers should measure the PD manually on their own. Later were asked to type the measured number into the pre-designed system. This option of manual PD measurement is still available and is helpful. The buyer is usually not an optic professional, and the human factor causes measurement inaccuracies. Of course, manual measurement is not very attractive for online shoppers, which are always more demanding, and when it comes to customer experience, each detail is important.

O nível superior de precisão de medição de PD totalmente automatizada processa três parâmetros principais:
- PD monocular: a distância entre o centro da pupila do cliente e o meio da ponte do nariz.
- DP binocular: a distância entre o centro da pupila do cliente em um olho e o centro da pupila do outro olho.
- Distância da lente até a câmera: calculada a partir do tamanho da pupila do cliente até a lente da câmera capturada para maior otimização da medição. O sistema pode rastrear a distância da câmera com precisão de 92 a 94%.
As dimensões relativas listadas acima são alinhadas automaticamente com os parâmetros visuais do produto 3D e garantem que os produtos de óculos sejam exibidos em tamanhos realistas , que ajudam os clientes a tomar decisões de compra confiantes e respondem à pergunta se a armação se encaixa bem em seu rosto.